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Liposuction—Metairie & New Orleans, LA—


Liposuction is one of the most common cosmetic treatments performed for both men and women. Metairie board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Cynthia Mizgala has 25 years of experience performing liposuction using a variety of methods. Currently, her New Orleans plastic surgery center offers traditional liposuction surgery, VASERLIPO, Smartlipo, RFAL, BodyTite, FaceTite, and J-Plasma (Renuvion). All of these state-of-the-art techniques are unique ways to reshape, slim, and contour the body. Despite how much you watch what you eat and exercise, you might still be bothered by areas of fat that prevent you from feeling fully confident.

A Woman Plastic Surgeon is proud to offer the latest methods to safely eliminate fat from areas of concern on the body or neck. Surgical liposuction is a body contouring procedure that permanentl removes fat from the neck, abdomen, back, bra strap areas, arms, hips, thighs, and buttocks to produce a more defined appearance. Setting the bar high, Dr. Mizgala is known for delivering some of the best results from Liposuction New Orleans has to offer.

She uses an intricate methodology and a unique artistic eye to create natural, slimming results that our patients love. Dr. Mizgala can treat one body part or use a blended approach to treat several body parts at once. During your private New Orleans Liposuction consultation, Dr. Mizgala will examine the areas of your body that you wish to slim and sculpt, and she will create a customized plan for you. Whether that involves an in-office procedure or a more extensive procedure in the operating room, we want to help you look and feel amazing.

Ideal Candidates
for Liposution

Liposuction is a terrific procedure for patients that have troublesome areas of fat that are difficult to get rid of despite a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction can help men and women of almost any shape and size. Whether you are generally lean with a certain problem area, or you are overweight, a liposuction plan can be customized for you.

New technology, such as BodyTite, FaceTite, or Renuvion, are adding to the liposuction craze as they promise more skin tightening than the technologies used to date. During your initial consultation, Dr. Mizgala will discuss realistic expectations, the new technologies available, and the new body she envisions for you. She often combines technologies, such as VASER, laser lipo, power-assisted liposuction, as well as skin tightening to "shrink-wrap" the skin by tightening the fibrous Septae using Radiofrequency RFAL or Renuvion technology.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons University of Toronto Fellow American College of Surgeons Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, Inc The University of British Columbia

Liposuction FAQs

How much does liposuction cost?

Your cost for liposuction will vary based on the technique being used and the number of areas being addressed. The range in price can be widespread from $4,000 – $10,000. During your consultation, Dr. Mizgala will assess how much fat can be removed and pinpoint the areas that can help shape your body. Once your liposuction plan is developed, estimated costs can be discussed. At A Woman Plastic Surgeon, we want our patients to feel good about their bodies and figures, thus, our practice accepts many payment options and we can help you find low-interest financing so you can have surgery.

What about nonsurgical liposuction?

Thanks to modern advancements, there are many nonsurgical options to reduce fat. CoolSculpting is popular at our plastic surgery center. This nonsurgical treatment reduces small amounts of fat. While these nonsurgical treatments may help reduce small amounts of fat, liposuction is more aggressive and can be customized for the patient. Liposuction surgery delivers more dramatic results. Talk to Dr. Mizgala about nonsurgical options during your consultation. She will go over the benefits and anticipated results for the nonsurgical options, as well as traditional liposuction and help you decide which is best for your goals.

What about loose skin?

Surgical liposuction only removes excess fat from the body. However, new technologies allow for more skin tightening with liposuction than ever before. The benefits are a quicker recovery and no visible scars. In some cases, the skin laxity is excessive. An excisional surgery may be recommended in these cases, such as a tummy tuck, arm lift, or thigh lift.

These skin tightening surgeries are often combined with liposuction. It is important to consult with Dr. Mizgala who is experienced in all forms of fat removal from noninvasive CoolSculpting to in-office Smartlipo to full body 360 liposuction. She will discuss the benefits and anticipated outcomes of whatever treatment or treatments will best suit your goals, recovery time, and budget.

Will my results last?

Before you have liposuction surgery, it's important to be committed to maintaining your results. While liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in your body, you can still gain and lose weight. Most of Dr. Mizgala's patients maintain their physiques after their procedure as they are motivated to modify their lifestyle with a renewed self-confidence about their slimmer, more proportionate figure.


Recovery from liposuction varies greatly, depending on if only a small area is treated versus multiple body parts. Keep in mind, you may see some changes after a few short weeks, but it generally takes 6 – 10 months before your new body shape and contour is attained.

Neck liposuction or liposuction of a localized abdominal pouch involves virtually no recovery time. There may be minimal swelling and bruising, but this usually doesn't interfere with work or other activities. When multiple areas are treated under general anesthesia, most New Orleans Liposuction patients are fully recovered in a week. A compression garment is worn for about 6 – 8 weeks.

Liposuction Procedure

For our patients in New Orleans Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia when multiple areas are being treated. More local areas, such as the neck, arms, or abdomen, can be treated in the office under local anesthesia with tumescent liposuction and oral sedation. A very small incision (about 1 centimeter) is made in the skin after numbing the area. This is placed in inconspicuous, hidden areas, such as the belly button of the abdomen, or under the chin for treatment of the neck.

Tumescent fluid is then injected to numb the entire treatment area. Next, Dr. Mizgala will use new technology to melt the fat. This might involve laser lipo, BodyTite, FaceTite, or VASER. Once the fat is melted, it is easily aspirated into a container. Some patients opt to have the suctioned fat injected elsewhere on their bodies, most commonly in the buttocks, as in the Brazilian butt lift. If this is the case, you would require general anesthesia. Some patients who undergo liposuction will experience skin laxity in the treated area. In areas of skin laxity, additional subdermal skin tightening may be performed with Renuvion. If patients prefer, any procedure can also be performed at our private surgery center under twilight or general anesthesia. Dr. Mizgala's goal is to deliver the best liposuction New Orleans has to offer.

Come visit Dr. Mizgala and let her customize a treatment tailored to address your personal needs.

4720 South I-10 Service Road W Suite 105 Metairie, LA

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